“Gentoo Linux GitHub Repository Seized by Hackers – TechCrunch Exposes Security Breach”

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Gentoo Linux: Hacked, But Not Out of the Game – Trustworthy Code Intact

In a shocking twist, Gentoo, the popular Linux distribution, has been compromised by unknown individuals, sending the entire community into a frenzy. But don’t worry, the Gentoo team has taken immediate action and confirmed that none of the real code has been affected. However, as a precaution, they have temporarily disabled their GitHub repository and have promised to upload a fresh and safe version of the code soon.

The security breach was announced on June 28th, at approximately 20:20 UTC. The Gentoo administrators reported that the attackers had gained control of the GitHub Gentoo organization and made unauthorized changes to their repositories and pages. The full extent of the attack is still being investigated, and the team is working hard to regain control and ensure the safety of their code.

It’s important to note that this security breach does not affect any code hosted on the Gentoo infrastructure. The master Gentoo ebuild repository is still secure and users can continue to use it without any worries. However, for the time being, it’s recommended to avoid using the compromised GitHub version and use rsync or webrsync from gentoo.org instead.

Luckily, the Gentoo team had their own backup of the code, so none of it is permanently damaged. Nevertheless, they are taking all necessary precautions, as the compromised code could potentially contain malware and bugs. The affected repositories, including Musl and systemd, are being “reset back to a known good state,” as reported by the admins.

This latest security breach has raised concerns among the Gentoo community, but the team is determined to overcome it and come back stronger. Stay tuned for updates and be assured that your favorite Linux distribution will continue to provide trustworthy code for all its users.

Source: https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiVmh0dHBzOi8vdGVjaGNydW5jaC5jb20vMjAxOC8wNi8yOS9oYWNrZXJzLXRvby1vdmVyLXRoZS1nZW50b28tbGludXgtZ2l0aHViLXJlcG9zaXRvcnkv0gFaaHR0cHM6Ly90ZWNoY3J1bmNoLmNvbS8yMDE4LzA2LzI5L2hhY2tlcnMtdG9vLW92ZXItdGhlLWdlbnRvby1saW51eC1naXRodWItcmVwb3NpdG9yeS9hbXAv?oc=5

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